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Meditation Teacher Training

Truly Well is thrilled to offer our annual Truly Well 50-Hour Meditation Teacher Training.

This Course aims to equip you with the tools to facilitate meditation and deepen your own meditation practice. For more information or to register, please head to our Apothecary page or email us.

Pillars of this Certification:

This training will provide education on the roots and history of ancient meditation practice and the science describing its effects, teach you how to lead guided meditation and Yoga Nidra, and facilitate meditation both in person and in a virtual space. This training is Trauma-Informed, and includes practical, clinical teaching experience as a part of the Truly Well certification.

Whether you are completing our program to earn your 50-Hour Truly Well Meditation Certification, deepen your personal meditation practice, or simply enrich your yogic education, we warmly welcome you.

In the Truly Well Meditation Teacher Training, we will dive into meditation’s rich history, the anatomy of meditation, explore various meditation styles and practices, explore applicable Ayurvedic principles, learn how to foster a trauma-informed environment, and have a primary focus on Yoga Nidra. You will have the opportunity to practice teaching so that you feel confident leading others in guided meditations upon graduation.

What’s Included:

·       50-Hour Truly Well Meditation Training Live Course Access – Includes coverage of Guided Meditation, Yoga Nidra, Trataka, Japa Mala, and more

·       50-Hour Truly Well Meditation Training Workbook – Includes insight prompts, original meditation scripts, and easy-to-reference information on your coursework

·       Symbolic Bracelets – Used during opening and closing ceremonies (details will be shared in-class!)

·       Meditation Incense – Used as a part of your certified meditation practice

·       Mala Beads – For the authentic, traditional practice of Japa Mala

·       Referenceable Sound Recordings – Guided Meditation and Yoga Nidra produced by Truly Well (for personal use)

·       Certification – Upon certification by Truly Well, Truly Well also provides a commemorative certificate which you can proudly display as evidence that you have successfully completed this course.


  • Experience: No prior yoga teaching experience, certification, or yoga teacher training completion is required to participate in this course. 

  • Equipment: A device capable of accessing and transmitting streamed audio at a high bit-rate in a group setting, including a strong internet connection.*

Classroom Format:

All of our training hours will be held online via a video group chat service (e.g., Zoom). Course meetings occur on Fridays. Saturdays, and Sundays, lasting 2-4 hours each session. There will be a total of 12 sessions spread over 6 weeks. Brief breaks will be built-in to the sessions. You will be required to complete reading, homework, self-study, and maintain a consistent meditation practice between sessions.


We will meet most weekends between September 20th to October 26th, on Friday evenings, and Saturday and Sunday mornings. Typically, Friday evening sessions are held from 5:00-7:00pm, and weekend morning sessions are held from 10:30am-12:30pm (Central Time). This is subject to change based on the majority’s availability, and exact meeting times will be sent to you closer to our start date.

Recommended Reading:

Truly Well has found the following texts to be particularly helpful for students newly engaged in Yoga Nidra and meditation leadership:

1.  Yoga Nidra by Swami Satyananda Saraswati

2.  Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha by Swami Satyananda Saraswati

3.  Radiant Rest by Tracee Stanley


  • Early Bird: ($200 off) $975 - Paid in full by August 1, 2024.

  • Regular: $1175 - Paid in full by September 12, 2024.

  • Payment Plan: $1200 - Three installments of $400 paid in full by October 26, 2024.

  • One partial need-based scholarship is available this year. Recipient must be able to demonstrate need with the prior year’s tax return, and submit a 500 word essay on how they plan to incorporate this Meditation Teacher Training into their life. If you believe you qualify, please email us for more information at

Supplemental Private Tutoring and Other Offerings:

The 50-Hour Truly Well Meditation Certification certifies you to teach and lead meditation and Yoga Nidra, as opposed to the other limbs of yoga, such as Asana. Some students prefer to supplement their training in meditation with one-on-one deep-focus tutoring and instruction, which is available from Truly Well on an hourly basis. This can help students with any particular challenges with subject matter and provide students with deeper insight on their own, personalized style of meditation instruction and practice. Simply include a note to Truly Well in conjunction with your registration to discover whether this heightened attention is right for you.

Truly Well is also pleased to offer intensive one-on-one tutoring and certifications with respect to Ayurvedic Consultation methodologies and Yoga Asana instruction. If you are interested in our additional training offerings, contact us!

Minimum Registration Requirement:

In order to make this Meditation Teacher Training (MTT) as valuable, enriching, and accessible as possible, we require the registration of at least five trainees. While we do not anticipate not reaching our minimum, in the event that we have insufficient sign-ups, we reserve the right to postpone or cancel this round of MTT. If that is the case, we will contact those who have registered with options to either hold their spot for our next MTT (typically in the Spring or Fall), at their current paid rate, or to receive a full refund.

*Testing your systems is important prior to your registration. Note that if you should have unexpected technical difficulties during the live course, while refunds cannot be given for such technology failures, Truly Well will work diligently with you to deliver the 50-Hour Truly Well Meditation Certification Course via alternative means. Truly Well wants you to have what you need to accomplish your goals in meditation, even when technology can unexpectedly fail us.