The Truly Well Method

A Modern Approach
to Ayurveda

What would it be like if your body felt like home: a safe and comfortable place, where you feel your most confident?

What if you could go from feeling well less than half the time, to nearly all the time?

We understand your deepest desire to feel amazing in your own skin and are intimately familiar with the discomfort of feeling like your body is your enemy. We know what it’s like to feel a disconnect between how you think you should feel, and how you actually feel on a daily basis.

It doesn’t have to be such a struggle. While it is tempting to get lost in countless approaches and methodologies, we need a solution that is tailored to the individual. This is where Truly Well can help.

Being Truly Well means embodying your own resourcefulness, being in tune with your body’s cues, and knowing how best to care for yourself and meet your needs. It creates and sustains the abundance of energy, support and wholeness you were designed to have. We are here to help you truly thrive, that you may serve your dharma and enjoy your wild and precious life!

Ayurveda is a true root-cause, completely individualized system of medicine. Originating in modern-day India over 5,000 years ago, Ayurveda has been helping people heal for millennia. Our signature Truly Well Method translates these ancient principles into approachable and applicable practices for modern lives.

Whole-person centered, trauma-informed treatment is our passion, and our specialty focuses on helping individuals recover from burnout and restore hormonal balance via the central nervous system, endocrine system, and reproductive system.

We love connecting the dots. Bridging the gap between Eastern and Western approaches to wellness is the foundation of the Truly Well Method.

About Our Founder and CEO

Founder, CEO, and primary Practitioner at Truly Well, Cristina dos Santos is a published author and elected member of the Board of Directors of the National Ayurveda Medical Association (NAMA).

Cristina is renowned for her guided meditation and Yoga Nidra teaching, and is gifted and highly skilled in Intuitive Ayurvedic Pulse Reading. She currently resides in Austin, Texas, where she serves her local and global community through practical Ayurvedic expertise, teaching, writing, and therapeutic yoga for holistic, natural healing.


  • Board Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA)

  • Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist (C.A.S.), California College of Ayurveda

  • Ayurvedic Health Counselor (A.H.C.), California College of Ayurveda 

  • 750 Hour Yoga Teaching Certification, 500 of which completed at World Peace Yoga School, Rishikesh, India

  • B.A. International Affairs, Rollins College 

A Note from Cristina

I believe we were each put on this planet for a big purpose, and it’s hard to serve that dharmic calling when our best health feels far from reach. My mission is to end the self-healing hamster wheel we’re all familiar with: the one where we go from modality to modality, specialist to specialist, protocol to protocol, and so on, in the name of self-healing. Enough.

My signature method of practicing Ayurveda incorporates individualized recommendations according to your unique mind-body constitution (dosha) and based on your desired outcomes.

This work requires a deeper level of commitment to yourself than other programs. It eliminates that never ending self-healing cycle because it is so effective. As your Practitioner, it is my goal for you to heal once and for all. We will work to uncover the true root causes of your imbalances, which include physical, emotional, and spiritual components, to get you feeling your best and truly well.

Ayurveda entered my life nearly two decades ago and offered me a new perspective on my health. What I didn’t know back then was the magic that can happen when we let go of the control we’re so futilely trying to grasp. Little by little, I began learning that my “best” was found in surrender — it wasn’t something I could attain through striving. These gentle teachings of Ayurveda eventually became my lifeline, and are now my life’s work.

Ayurveda is the guiding light that has led me to embrace self-care, balance, and the beauty of imperfection. I have learned that the path to true and lasting wellness is paved with self-compassion and acceptance.

How can we heal what we don’t love? How can we love what we don’t understand? How can we understand what we don’t know?

Ayurveda is a science steeped in compassion, grace, and love. It enables us to embody our truest nature by first teaching what that even means. Understanding our nature allows us to know ourselves. In my experience on my own healing journey and having guided countless others along theirs, I have found that we cannot know our true selves without falling in love with the essence of who we are. We are spiritual beings, created in the likeness of God’s image. What is there not to love?

Know self. Understand self. Love self. Heal self.

Explore the Truly Well Method.